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Revision as of 22:27, 8 October 2010

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Secondary character
Cornwood character
The Great Wizard Greyfarn
First appearance"Futurama Returns" (US#S02)
Voiced byBilly West

The Great Wizard Greyfarn is the Wizard version of Professor Hubert Farnsworth in Cornwood. He was a member of The Fellowship.

Greyfarn parallels Professor Farnsworth's life in several key areas, for instance he once had a relationship with Mommon (The alternate version of Mom) and apparently sired Ignus (as he sired Igner). There are points of difference also, Greyfarn appears to live alone in an outhouse which is larger on the inside than the outside. During the time that he was with The Fellowship he became romanticaly involved with Gynecaladriel, something which Professor Farnsworth hasn't been seen to do. There is no indication that he is related to Frydo. Greyfarn appears to be a skilled magician, and much more active than Professor Farnsworth

When Frydo, Leegola and Titanius Anglesmith turned arrived at his house with the Die of Power, Greyfarn told them of Momon and her sons. He informed them that the only way to destroy the Die was to throw it into the boiling plastic from which it was created. At the Geysers of Gygax

After Frydo and Leegola ran away, the remainder of the fellowship, including Greyfarn, continued to Wipe Castle to try raise an army. Unfortunately the king had gone insane and sent his army into the ocean, killing his soldiers and leaving the kingdom defenseless. Greyfarn was rescued with the others when Leegola returned with an army of centaurs and destroyed the forces of Momon.

When confronted by Ignus a battle began, during which Ignus revealed that he is Greyfarn's son.

Additional Information



    Greyfarn: Curse you Momon, queen of all that is evil and not very good in bed!

    Greyfarn: Alas, our path is blocked by Momon's army of evil, as well as her navy of moral dubiousness.
