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Fry and the Slurm Factory

Production Number: 1ACV13<br\> Title Caption: Live from Omicron Persei 8<br\> First Aired: 11/14/99
AL Sightings: 2

The Story

The Secret Ingredient

Act I: "Whimmy wham wham wozzle... let's party!"

Fry and Bender are watching "All My Circuits" when a commercial for Slurm comes on. The commercial advertises a new contest; the grand prize is a chance to party with Slurms MacKenzie at the Slurm Factory on Wormulon.

Act II: "I've never seen anyone so addicted to Slurm."

Fry starts guzzling Slurm like crazy, hoping to win the contest. Bender is feeling sick, and the Professor uses his new invention, the F-Ray, to see inside him and find the problem. He leaves the F-Ray with Fry and Bender "to be kept out of the wrong hands." They immediately start abusing it, and use it to search for the Slurm can with the winning bottle cap. Just when they give it up, Fry almost chokes on the cap, found in a can of Slurm in the fridge at Planet Express.

Act III: "Something's rotten on planet Wormulon!"

Fry and all of his friends arrive on Wormulon, and are greeted by Glurmo and Slurms MacKenzie. Glurmo leads them on a tour, where they encounter the Grunka Lunkas. While Glermo narrates the tour, they begin asking questions about the Secret Ingredient of Slurm. After Fry falls into the river of Slurm, Leela jumps in to save him; Bender jumps as well, just to fit in. Sucked down the drain, they wind up lost in an underground part of the factory. Fry tastes Slurm from the river, only to discover it's not slurm at all, and they begin nosing around, and discover the discusting secret - Slurm is a fluid squirted out by a giant worm! Meanwhile, Zoidberg, Amy, and The Professor finish the tour, and Glurmo notices that the others are missing.

Act IV: "That's the secret ingredient of Slurm? Ewwwwww!"

Fry, Leela, and Bender try to escape, only to run in a circle and wind up back in the room with the Slurm Queen, where Glurmo captures them. Bender is recycled into Slurm cans, and Leela is going to be dipped into a vat of Royal Slurm, transforming her into a Slurm Queen. Fry is force-fed a taste of concentrated Super-Slurm, which is so addictive he can't stop eating, even to save his friends. Still eating, Fry drags the vat over until he can release Leela. She saves Bender, and then dumps the Super-Slurm down a sewer grate, to Fry's horror. They make their escape, and run into Slurms MacKenzie, who wants to escape with them. When the Slurm Queen finds them, Slurms MacKenzie sacrafices himself to allow the crew to escape.

Additional Info

Promo pic of this episode


  • According to audio commentary, Glurmo's name was originally to have been "Slurmy Slonka" - furthering the references to Willy Wonka.


  • The Factory, Grunka Lunkas, and Glurmo are references to "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"
  • The Slurm Queen's plan to use Leela to market "New Slurm" is a reference to "New Coke."
  • Slurms MacKenzie's name is a reference to "Spuds McKenzie", a former Budweiser advertising mascot.


  • Fry: This is nothing. Back in high school, I used to drink 100 cans of cola a week, right up until my third heart attack.
  • Glurmo: [about Grunka Lunkas] They think they have a good union but they don't. They're basically slaves.


(In alphabetical order)

Episode Credits
